दक्षिण कोंकणी उतरावळि

A Southern Konkani Vocabulary Collection

Other words related to wedding

व्हारडिक संबंधित इतर उतरां

  1. consecrated rice
  2. dowry
  3. invitation card
  4. black gram food
  5. promise
  6. hand lamp
  7. race
  8. descent
  9. tribe
  10. clan
  11. mixture of oil and black grams
  12. marriage pavilion
  13. nuptial knot
  14. rose water
  15. linage
  16. four married ladies
  17. horoscope
  18. Gift platter
  19. gift platter
  20. Tamboola platter
  21. tamboola platter
  22. sacred red silk thread
  23. bridal ornament
  24. bride's maid
  25. groom's man
  26. newly wed girl
  27. newly wedded groom
  28. a special knot
  29. first visit to brides place and return
  30. exchange of flowers and rings
  31. sister's platter
  32. auspicious thread or chain
  33. a sweet mixture
  34. pavilion
  35. auspicious time
  36. welcoming ritual
  37. sacrificial fire
  38. oblong tablets
  39. gifts to the groom
  40. folded betel leaves
  41. engagement
  42. the sweets and snacks
  43. marriage ceremony
  44. bride's party
  45. bridegroom's party
  46. wedding procession
  47. newly married couple
  48. bridesmaid
  49. groomsman
  50. person of same linage
  51. marrying between the same gotra
  52. married lady
  53. auspicious vessel
  54. alliance